A dolphin swimming in the ocean with its mouth open.


Attention:  boaters, kayakers, fishermen, scuba divers, sailors, beach goers, mariners, coastal residents and photographers. Gotham Whale requests your help with our Citizen Science Project - WANTED.

When you’re near or on the water in the New York Bight, please be on the lookout for marine mammals. If you see a whale, dolphin, or seal, you can help our research by letting us know! Please report your sighting using our data collection form below. Please be as specific as possible, as this data is kept on file as database record.

To learn more about what Citizen Science is and how our WANTED program works, please visit our Citizen Science: Explained page.

Our Citizen Science Project: WANTED

Sighting Report Form:

    *Images and videos larger than 25mb must be sent to [email protected] in a separate email.

    Note: Personal information is required to validate the contribution and will not be shared. In order to maintain our database, submitted photos or video will become property of Gotham Whale. Credits will be given to the submitter. For questions or issues, please contact us.

    For marine mammals or sea turtles that are in distress please also contact:
    New York:
    Atlantic Marine Conservation Society 631-317-0030
    NY Marine Rescue 631-369-9840
    New Jersey:

    Marine Mammal Stranding Center 609-266-0538

    Sea Turtle Rescue 609-667-4076