Your donation enables us to reach out with good news of sightings, continue our research and conservation efforts, and inspire the next generations of marine lovers to invest in their futures, and the future of these beloved animals. We appreciate your partnership so much.
We are a non-profit organization supported by your volunteer efforts and generous contributions. We’re always trying to make a bigger splash! Your support has helped us forward our mission to research, education, and advocation for marine mammals through Community Science.
Gotham Whale 2024 Fundraiser
Help us reach our goal to collect $20,000 for new research equipment in 2025.
All that we do is for the whales.
Since 2009, Gotham Whale has been a dedicated volunteer-driven organization committed to whale research, education, and conservation in New York City. Our passionate volunteers meticulously catalog individual whales, map their locations, and maintain an extensive database, all essential for understanding and protecting these magnificent marine mammals. This critical work requires significant effort and resources. Your donations are vital to sustain our mission as more whales continue to grace the waters of NYC. Support Gotham Whale to help us continue our important research and educational outreach, ensuring a thriving future for these incredible creatures.